Can hypnotherapy help me?
Hypnotherapy can help with many issues and problems. Only some of these are listed below:
Social Anxiety Disorder
Smoking cessation
Weight loss
Sport Performance
Behavioural & emotional issues
Eating disorders
By directly contacting the subconscious mind, the hypnotherapist can use positive suggestions and/or disassociation techniques that can then lead to long-term improvements.
Hypnotherapy could also help create a therapeutic change in your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, behaviours and values.
It can also release you from the negative emotions from past events, helping you to move forward in your life.
What does hypnosis feel like?
We all experience trance states in everyday life. Maybe we are so engrossed in a movie and unintentionally ignore someone trying to talk to us. Or have you ever been driving and can't recall the last couple of miles? Or perhaps someone is talking to you and you just 'zone out' due to how boring you are finding the conversation.
These are all examples of daily trances. These daily trances are what hypnosis can feel like. Your sub-conscious takes over during these experiences, keeping you safe and in control.
Similar to the examples above, when you are in hypnosis with a hypnotherapist you are still in total control. If a fire alarm went off whilst engrossed in the movie, you would 'snap out of it' and be wide awake and fully aware. If you were in a trance whilst driving and a traffic queue appeared in front of you, full conscious awareness would return instantly.
Will you take control of my mind?
Contrary to things you may of seen with stage hypnotists, you will always remain in control of your mind during hypnosis.
A popular saying when describing hypnosis is 'all hypnosis is self hypnosis'. It is up to the client to accept the suggestions. The hypnotist or hypnotherapist simply guides the client.
Take a look at the above 'what does hypnosis feel like?' section for other descriptions on why you always remain in control of your mind.
Can anyone be hypnotised?
Most, if not all, people can by hypnotised if they can follow suggestions and are willing to be hypnotised.
Although most, if not all, people can be hypnotised, the susceptibility to hypnosis differs from person to person. By this I mean one person may enter the hypnosis trance state quickly and reach a deep level, the next person may take longer and not reach such a deep state. Essentially everyone is different.
If someone has previously failed to be hypnotised it can be due to simply not actually wanting to resolve the issue. This resistance to change, for example, can be when a client is pushed into therapy by a concerned other.
If you do want the issue resolved and still can't be hypnotised then it could also be that the hypnotherapist themselves are simply not up to standard or that the rapport between the two of you is just not there.
What is the subconscious mind?
Sigmund Freud believed the mind operates at three different levels of awareness:
The conscious: Thoughts we are currently and actively thinking.
The preconscious: Thoughts that we are not currently or actively thinking but can easily be called upon if required.
The subconscious: Thoughts that cannot be easily retrieved. This may include memories or thoughts that have been repressed.
A great way to describe our conscious and subconscious minds is the 'horse and rider' analogy. The horse being the subconscious mind, and the rider as the conscious mind. Where the rider (the conscious mind) knows that there is nothing to worry about when passing, for example, a carrier bag or crossing a bridge, the horse (the subconscious mind) can sometimes freak out. This 'freak out' can be caused by a past belief or experience, something that the rider, the conscious mind, has long since forgotten about or not even aware it ever existed.
What is Parts Therapy?
Also known as Ego State Therapy.
We all have different parts to our personality and all of these parts have our best intentions in mind. Unfortunately, sometimes these parts have different priorities, which can lead to inner conflict.
These parts (or states) are very normal and enhance our day to day living by allowing us to draw on the part that is most relevant for any given situation.
Parts Therapy in hypnosis allows therapy to progress quickly since the individual state which can benefit most, is brought out (made executive) and empowered or given a change of role.
What is CBT & CBH therapy?
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a therapy that can help you manage your problems by changing the way you behave and think.
CBT is based on the concept that your thoughts, feelings and actions are all interconnected, and that negative thoughts, feelings and actions can trap you in a vicious cycle.
CBT aims to help you deal with overwhelming problems in a positive way by breaking them down into smaller parts.
Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy (CBH) combines CBT with hypnosis to create a treatment that can solidify these positive and lasting changes by talking directly to the subconscious instead of 'just' the conscious mind (such as with CBT).
Is MMB Hypnotherapy registered?
I have earned a Diploma from one of the most comprehensive Hypnotherapy Training Courses in the U.K:
I am registered with:​
Is hypnosis anything like I see on TV or on stage?
TV and stage hypnotists can be a great source of entertainment. People that volunteer to be hypnotised on stage or tv are usually up for a laugh and don't mind the attention. These volunteers enjoy being part of the performance. This is not to say that hypnosis doesn't sometimes occur during these performances. The difference between stage/tv hypnosis and hypnotherapy is that the latter is purely for the good of the client.
There are good and bad stage and tv hypnotists and the same applies to hypnotherapists. The main difference is the use of the hypnosis itself, one being for entertainment and the other for therapy.
Will hypnotherapy definitely help and/or cure me?
No type of therapy has a guaranteed success rate on all of the people at all of the time. If such a therapy existed then there simply would not be any need for any other therapy types.
Hypnotherapy can help or assist in many problems and the key to the success is the commitment of both the hypnotherapist and the client, working together towards the requirements and goals of the client.
What is Social Anxiety Disorder?
Everyone gets nervous or feels shy at some point or other. It is completely normal to feel this anxiety, especially when doing or facing things for the first time, such as a new date or a job interview etc.
For those who suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder, these feelings and emotions can be debilitating. Fears of being judged, making a fool of yourself or being humiliated are some examples of the signs and symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder.
The overwhelming fear of social situations can lead to the sufferer avoiding social situations that they think will lead to stress and, in some cases, extreme anxiety. This can then lead to problems with relationships, job/school performance and socialising. At the extreme end of the scale, even smaller everyday tasks can be a big stressful event for the sufferer.
Knowing that Social Anxiety Disorder is a common problem is of little comfort to the person who is feeling alone.
Usually starting in the teenage years, Social Anxiety Disorder can improve during adulthood but can also, without treatment, last a lifetime.
Studies have found that hypnotherapy can be highly effective for the treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder. A significant reduction, or permanent relief of anxiety would increase the wellbeing and quality of life of the client.
Hypnotherapy could be of huge assistance to you overcoming negative, unwanted thoughts and feelings, and replacing them with more positive ones. This in turn can lead to increased self-belief, confidence and a more positive outlook.
Are there any contraindications to hypnotherapy?
A contraindication is a condition or factor that serves as a reason to withhold a certain treatment due to the harm that it could cause the patient.
Contraindications to hypnotherapy include clients suffering from psychosis, bi-polar and epilepsy. Other clients I would also refuse to work with are those who are under the influence of drink or drugs.
Are there any reasons why we can't work together?
Firstly, please take a look at the question above regarding contraindications.
I may also suggest referring you on to someone else I believe to be more suitable for you. My main focus is you, so I simply would not want to take your money when I thought your best interests would be best served elsewhere (another therapist, counsellor or doctor etc).
Examples of possible scenarios:
Knowing the client or someone close to the client - This may decrease the chance of the client opening up.
A lack of rapport - Sometimes people just don't click! This could also decrease the chance of the client opening up.
That hypnotherapy alone is not enough for you or your issue - Other help may be more suitable.
That you are a danger to yourself or to others, or are in danger from someone else - This would be assessed on a case by case basis. The safety of you and others is of paramount importance.
That you simply do not want, or are not ready, for hypnotherapy - Usually this happens when someone is pushed into getting help that they are either not ready for, or do not see that there is a problem/issue.
Can I get stuck in hypnosis?
No, you can not get stuck in hypnosis. There are no documented instances of this ever happening. Why? Because it simply is not possible.
If, and it should never happen, the hypnotist did not bring you out of hypnosis, you would simply come back to full conscious awareness by yourself.
Will you make me do something that I am not comfortable with?
Firstly, a reputable hypnotherapist with good, thorough and appropriate training, and who is also registered to the main Hypnotherapy governing bodies, should always put your needs first.
Secondly, the client is always in control. If, for whatever reason something feels uncomfortable for you, you can simply not do it.
However, there are times during a session that you could feel the distress and emotions of the issue you want focused on. This will usually be because the hypnotherapist sees this as a vital step in your therapy. This step could be for either emotional release or to assist you in returning to a past event for the purposes of release.
Can I have information about fees, sessions and bookings?
Of course you can! Please go to the 'Services & Fees' page by clicking here.
For any other queries, concerns or to book a consultation, contact MMB Hypnotherapy today.