Hypnotherapy and relaxation go hand in hand. Having the client relax and concentrate on lowering the heart rate with breathing exercises is a common way to start a hypnotherapy session.
Concentrating on relaxing each set of muscles in turn, maybe starting at the toes, and working up to the head, whilst being aware that the speed of your breathing is starting to slow can be a great way of ‘letting go.’
Hypnotherapy can be great for reducing the stress chemicals and bringing your mind and body back into ‘balance’ whilst lowering any anxieties and stress levels, making you calmer, able to sleep better and letting you think clearer.
We spend most of our time either thinking (dwelling, stressing) about our past:
· Past regrets
· Things we wished we had done.
· Things we wished we had done differently.
· Embarrassing incidents.
Or our future:
· Up and coming events we do not want to be part of.
· Not seeing an end to the job you are not currently loving.
· Wondering if a relationship has a future.
· Worrying about health issues.
· Thinking about money and the lack of it.
Obviously, there are many more examples of the above, and many more variations too.
The point is, when do we ever really think of the here and now? When was the last time, for example, you ate a piece of your favourite chocolate and really thought about the taste and texture whilst you slowly enjoyed it and not just scoffed it down whilst looking at your phone?
Mindfulness means living in the here and now and being aware of our internal state and surroundings. Incorporating Mindfulness into your hypnotherapy session is the usual way of having the client relax.
Visual imagery can also be used together with Mindfulness and breathing techniques. Visual imagery uses your powerful imagination to ‘see’ yourself in a peaceful place whilst taking in and enjoying your surroundings.
Guiding you through a relaxation session can give you many benefits, one being the knowledge of being able to do it yourself when at home, work or getting ready for sleep.