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Social Anxiety Disorder

Updated: Sep 12, 2024

"Anxiety represents an unconscious fear of unbearable insult to the wounded self, which is protected by conscious coping strategies such as avoidance, cognitive distortions or emotional constriction"

-Ben E Wolfe, Clinical psychologist and author

Social Anxiety Disorder - Also known as 'SAD' and 'Social Disorder'.

Knowing that Social Anxiety Disorder is a widespread problem is of little comfort to the sufferer.

Hypnotherapy can be a highly effective treatment which could lead to a much better quality of life.

Everyone gets nervous or feels shy at some point or other. It is completely normal to feel this anxiety, especially when doing or facing things for the first time, such as a job interview or a first date.

For those suffering with SAD, these feelings and emotions can be debilitating. Fears of being judged, making a fool of yourself, or being unable to talk in social situations are all examples of the signs and symptoms of possibly suffering from this disorder.

The overwhelming fear of social situations can lead to the sufferer feeling stress and, in some cases, extreme anxiety, which in turn can then lead to the avoidance of social situations. This can then lead to problems, for example, with relationships, jobs, school performance and socialising. At the extreme end of the scale, even smaller everyday tasks can be a big stressful event for the sufferer.

Usually starting in the teenage years, Social Anxiety Disorder can improve during adulthood but can also, without treatment, last a lifetime.

Studies have found that hypnotherapy can be highly effective for the treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder. A significant reduction, or even permanent relief, of anxiety could greatly increase the wellbeing and quality of life for the client.

Hypnotherapy could be of huge assistance to you overcoming negative, unwanted thoughts and feelings, and replace them with more positive ones. This in turn can lead to increased self-belief, confidence and a more positive outlook.

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